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Showing posts from June, 2016

30 Ways to Building New Habits

we are all about developing successful habits as what we repeatedly do shapes our future and who we are. But these new behaviors will make no difference if we don’t stick to them. Implementing a new thing may be hard-it takes time, and consistency is key. But it’s quite simple. You need to start small, focus on making one change, divide your new habit into tiny daily steps and find ways to stay motivated throughout the journey. The benefits of that are mind-blowing.

Best Traffic Generation Tips

          SOURCE: Add caption Chris Dyson – – Twitter This might not work for all niches but it can certainly be a good traffic leak from Twitter. By embedding a tweet in a blog post Twitter can feature your website within the tweet as a source of further information. A great example of this is when Dan Barker sent Matt Cutts a tweet about the irony of Google looking for examples of sites that scrape content: .@mattcutts I think I have spotted one, Matt. Note the similarities in the content text: — dan barker (@danbarker) February 27, 2014 The tweet went viral and over the course of a few days received over 33000 retweets and was featured on a wide variety of news and tech related sites (over 80 according to ahrefs ) And the sites that embedded Dan’s tweet saw a spike in Twitter traffic as they were featured as Related Headlines....

Steps To Entrepreneurship

  Becoming an entrepreneur is about the mindset of entrepreneur, and the first actions you would need to take to become one. To do a startup, you need to think very simplistically in many ways. From what I have seen working with hundreds of startup founders, it is often those that stay “hungry and foolish,” as Steve jobs put it,