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Showing posts with the label Entrepreneurial Tips

20 Top Qualities of A Successful Businessman

Presently the development of science and technology in every field of life has also made modern business a complex one. Its success mostly depends upon the qualification, experience. Skill and expertness of the business man who has to take all the business decisions. So the following personal and other qualifications may make a person a good businessman. So here I am going to give you some qualities of a successful businessman, if you want to get your and business success then you need to follow these steps.


 Another new scheme is out call GREENSPEER which promises more value and returns than  MMM and ULTIMATE CYCLER , below is their goal, vision and mission Happy new year to all Greens, we appreciate your kind gestures towards fellow Nigerians and we are more than happy that you are using our platform to help humanity! However, the following must be noted: Our goal is to empower many small scale businesses and to also raise many start-ups in few months to come, thereby creating job opportunities to help many Nigerians at a time like this.

57 Things Other People Want From Life By Mindy Tyson McHorse

source:   If a genie suddenly appeared and offered to grant you a single wish, what would you say ? Most people answer, “Money!” and name a huge amount. But money is fleeting. And it does nothing for you unless you spend it on something meaningful … which brings you back to square one: What do you really want? I get flummoxed deciding what to eat for dinner, let alone figuring out what I want in life. Luckily, a lot of brainstorming comes in handy — especially when prompted by outside ideas. That’s why I’ve compiled this list of things other people want in life. I’m not saying you should want what somebody else does. But maybe by reading through these varied replies I’ve gleaned from friends and other sources, it’ll stir up some fresh ideas for you. And while you’re brainstorming, remember that no idea is too big for someone living the writer’s life . You don’t face the same constraints other people deal with. Unlimited incom...

Steps To Entrepreneurship

  Becoming an entrepreneur is about the mindset of entrepreneur, and the first actions you would need to take to become one. To do a startup, you need to think very simplistically in many ways. From what I have seen working with hundreds of startup founders, it is often those that stay “hungry and foolish,” as Steve jobs put it,