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#10 Great Tips for Success in Both Life and Business

Sometimes what helps us to be successful in our professional lives is not such a great idea in our personal lives — competition is a quality that comes to mind. At the same time, we all have a limited amount of time each day to do the things that we want to do. So for the sake of saving time and energy, I’m sharing a list of tips that will help you be successful in both life and in business. 1. Add Value No matter what you do and where you go, you can’t go wrong with adding value. Simply put value is anything that people are willing to pay for. In your professional life, the more value you can offer the more money you can make. In your personal life, more value translates to closer relationships and strong personal growth. The best way to add value is to find the intersection between what people are willing to pay for and what service or product you can offer that is aligned with your values, strengths and goals. How are you adding value to your employers and loved

10 Ways to Go Green and Save Money

Many of us are way too busy to do our share to help the environment — or at least, that's how it feels much of the time. We'd like to join the fight against global warming, but who has the time? Helping the environment isn't just good for the earth... it's good for your pocketbook too. You can do it in small ways, at home and when you drive, and those ways will add up to major changes worldwide, and big changes that you'll see in your budget. Continue reading for 10 tips on how to save money saving the planet.

How to Save on Buying a Computer macbook.

  A computer can often be one of the largest purchases you make, aside from home and auto, running well over $1,500 if you get a top model. However, if your budget doesn't allow for a purchase this large, don't fret — there are ways to buy a computer for a bargain and keep your budget intact.

27 Great Tips to Keep Your Life Organized

It’s a rare person among us who doesn’t feel the need to get more organized. I consider myself fairly organized, for example, but there are times when I get a little lax about my organizational rules, and there’s always room for improvement. And if you’re already organized (read: you’re an organizational freak), chances are, you like to read about others’ organizational systems.

golden rules for SMSF investors to keep in mind

Investing during times of market stress and volatility can be difficult. For this reason it’s useful for SMSF investors to keep a key set of things – call them rules – in mind. The seven key rules, in my view, are: be aware that there is always a cycle; invest for the long term; turn down the noise; buy low and sell high; beware of the crowd; diversify and focus on investments offering a sustainable cash flow. 1. Be aware that there is always a cycle The historical experience of investment markets – be they bonds, shares, property or infrastructure –

Hub airports lure travelers with layover frills

   London's Heathrow airport © Reuters TOKYO -- With ever-expanding direct-flight and transit options, major international airports can no longer rely on their convenient location alone to attract travelers.      Since fewer airport users means a loss of jobs and businesses, airports are keen to upgrade their facilities and develop enticing services to keep the traffic coming.

A few things to consider before booking a flight

With fuel costs rising and airlines finding more fees to impose on travelers every day, airfare isn’t getting any cheaper. Since you can’t drive to all your dream destinations, flying is the only way to go sometimes and, undeniably, the fastest. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to find the most affordable fares and also avoid paying as many extra charges as possible when you plan ahead.

How to Make the Ordinary Extraordinary

You’ve just ordered a top sirloin at a five star restaurant and the waiter brings you prime rib.  Or you arrive on time for your reservation and still have to wait 20 minutes to get a table.  Or you ask for a beer with your dinner and, after you’ve reminded the waiter twice, he informs you as you’re finishing off your entree that the restaurant is out of your selection.  

Surprising Brain Hacks That Bring Enormous Confidence 7 Surprising Brain Hacks to Build Enormous Confidence by Philip Pape

Are you ever held back by a lack of confidence? Does this prevent you from achieving your goals and becoming ultimately successful?

How To Radiate Positivity In A Negative World Posted on November 9, 2015 by Laura

“ To all the other dreamers out there, don’t ever stop or let the world’s negativity disenchant you or your spirit. If you surround yourself with love and the right people, anything is possible .” – Adam Green Every day feels like doomsday, doesn’t it?