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Be security Conscious----- Don't Get Spied

During the last decade, producers of electronic goods worked hard on an improvement of their products. They installed cameras of higher quality in the technics that we use almost every day However, one could notice that nowadays market is filled with special stickers and plastic which are intended to close the front camera of various devices such as phones, laptops, and even TV-sets. Why did such products appear on the market?

10 workable Tips on Staying Fit

Getting and staying fit can be a challenge. For many of us, it's hard just to get up off the couch. So what's the secret of people who have managed to make exercise a way of life?

45 Health Tips

1. Copy your kitty: Learn to do stretching exercises when you wake up. It boosts circulation and digestion, and eases back pain. 2. Don’t skip breakfast. Studies show that eating a proper breakfast is one of the most positive things you can do if you are trying to lose weight. Breakfast skippers tend to gain weight. A balanced breakfast includes fresh fruit or fruit juice, a high-fibre breakfast cereal , low-fat milk or yoghurt, wholewheat toast, and a boiled egg.

Great Facts

The purpose of tonsils is to destroy foreign substances that are swallowed or breathed in The country with the highest consumption of candy at 29.5 pounds annually per person is Denmark One of the most dangerous insect in the world is the common housefly. They carry and transmit more diseases than any other animal in the world Every day, over 1,300 babies are born prematurely in the USA The sun is approximately 149 million kilometres from the earth The Great White Shark can grow to be more than twenty feet long and can weigh approximately 4,000 pounds In 1832, in Paisley, Scotland the first municipal water filtration works was opened

Facts About The Hymen (SEX)

"Hymen" derives from the Greek for membrane. Hymen was also the Greek god of marriage. These two facts summarize the conventional wisdom about this widely misunderstood tissue, that this fabled membrane covers the vaginal opening, and is "pierced," "broken," or "torn asunder" when women wed and have intercourse, presumably for the first time.

Best Google Alternatives

How many times have you applied for AdSense account and got rejected? It could be several times or more. Maybe, you are still struggling to get approved by AdSense. Most of the new bloggers apply


There are a lot of misconceptions among Christians on how to get to heaven. Some falsely believe they can get to heaven through doing good deeds, while others may believe that simply going to church every Sunday will get them there. Not so.


Converting anyone to Christianity is hard enough. But we also know, as Christians, that anything is possible through Jesus Christ. Our main duty is to not get discouraged by missteps or failures. We have to put our trust in the Lord first and allow Him to direct our steps.


1. Find your gift. When you start out, you must realize that you have raw talents, skills, and abilities. Sometimes you'll have to go out of your way to find them for yourself.

What Makes a Successful Entrepreneur? Perseverance.

 Entrepreneurship is not the glamorous career path it’s been made out to be. It’s not about big ideas and ideals. It’s not about hopes and dreams. It’s not about guts and glory. It’s not even about invention and innovation.see more hereAnd it’s certainly not about a search for fame and fortune. More than anything, entrepreneurship is a game of attrition. It’s about having the determination, the discipline, and the cash to see it through. It’s about not giving up and being the last man or woman standing when everyone else has fallen
Hi Readers; you can also see my post on my other blogs @ Thanks for understanding Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Victor Duru

3 Entrepreneur tips

While 99 percent of the population is going to work every day, trading their time for money...there’s a special group of “in the know” people who are waking up to a world of financial potential that most people don’t know is possible. There’s a simple blueprint for making money with an online business. 1: Choose a great business idea, then start to build a website that attracts visitors. Here’s a quick tip to come up with a great business idea:Combine one of your ideas/hobbies/skills to find something that you care about and figure out how that can be used to solve another person’s problem. Here’s what to do: Create a simple website for pennies using Wordpress or Squarespace that advertises what you do, and/or the product you’re offering. You don’t need any web or tech skills to make this happen. Both resources have ready-to-install templates. You just need to know how to use the internet! Use regular tools (like Facebook, Instagram, a blog, etc) to start drivi

The Key to Better Sex Is All in Your Breathing

You've probably considered a yoga class once or twice — maybe a friend tried to convince you — but for one reason or another it never stuck and you're still skeptical. Consider, then, one huge bonus of the practice you may not be aware of: It can improve your sex life. Here's how it works: The key to yoga's claim on your sex drive is in the breathing technique used during yoga, pranayama. It releases the same chemicals in the brain as sex does, meaning you can leave the studio post-yoga with enhanced sexual desire. Plus, during your practice, certain postures increase blood flow to the pelvic region, lighting up your sexual response. The heart rate of yogis in deep meditative states can even mirror that of frenzied lovers. You don't even need to go to a class to reap the benefits, either. Here are five poses you can do anywhere to get you started — in more ways than one. 1. Chair Pose Chair pose engages your pelvic region by forcing

11 Ways to Protect Your Kids' Identity Online ; Just because your child doesn't have a Facebook account yet doesn't mean he's not at risk.​

1 Keep her SSN to yourself. If the little league team asks for your kid's Social Security number, don't feel like you have to give it to them. "Try calling and explaining that you do not wish to share that information and ask what other info you can provide instead," says Ryan Anderson, the outreach program manager at the Center for Identity. "With very few exceptions — like government services, heath care, and insurance — most organizations do not need your child's SSN, but request it because it is convenient for them." If you absolutely have to give up the number, see if there's a way to do it over the phone rather than online.

Five major compilation of Diabetes

People with diabetes have an increased risk of developing a number of serious health problems. Consistently high blood glucose levels can lead to serious diseases affecting the heart and blood vessels, eyes, kidneys, nervesand teeth. In addition, people with diabetes also have a higher risk of developing infections. In almost all high-income countries, diabetes is a leading cause of cadiovasculardiseaseblindness, kidney failure andlower limb amputation.Click here to find out

11 Things Great Leaders Do that Managers Only Think About

The biggest thing holding back organizations is the lack of leadership. I’m continually asked by companies large and small, “What are the traits that make a great leader?” Here is my list of what it takes to be a great leader: 1. Leaders realize their number one job is not to lead others but to create other leaders. How many times have we watched a terrific organization fall apart when the leader retires or exits their position? Unfortunately, it happens far too much and it’s due to what I call “ego-leadership.” It’s where the leader wants to be the one in charge and does little to ensure there are others capable of stepping up and leading.

10 Top Tips For Effective Selling

1. Find out all you can about your prospective customers, all their past contacts and transactions with your company and their probable needs, before you ever meet them. You can’t possibly know all that you will need to know about them in advance, but the prospects you meet will not be much impressed if you know nothing about them at all!

28 Ways to Save Money

No matter where you are on your financial journey, you need to know that it’s possible for anyone to turn their financial life around. Sometimes all it takes is that first step in the right direction to get things moving in your favor. But, as with most things, sometimes that very first step is the hardest part. That’s why we created this list of 100 ways to start saving money today. None of these tactics will be life-changing on their own, but they can make quite a difference over time if you’re able to implement more than one. Some of these suggestions take just a few minutes, while others require a bit of regular effort. Still, they’re all incredibly simple – anyone can do them. Obviously, not all of these tips will apply to everyone. Just go through the list and find 10 or 15 that do apply to you and use them in your life. When you do, you may quickly find that you’re saving more money than you ever thought possible.

12 Tips for “Psychological Selling”

Many copywriting and marketing gurus teach simplistic ideas about psychology. They insist that people can be fully understood and manipulated with a checklist of motivators or pyramid of needs. What nonsense! I can’t even figure out why the guy at the pet store puts 75 cat food cans in one bag and a tiny box of treats in another so that I lurch to my car leaning to one side. How can I possibly summarize human psychology in a few bullet points? People are highly complex and often mysterious, so we all struggle to understand our fellow humans. However, now that you’ve gotten over being afraid to sell, here are a few basic psychological tidbits that can help you write compelling copy.

Selling Tips From the World's Best Salesperson -- the Engineer

David Hibbard Co-founder, Dialexis; Author, SOAR Selling Getty "If I were given one hour to save the planet, I would spend 59 minutes defining the problem and one minute resolving it," - Albert Einstein   A perspective.... Engineer: I don't think of myself as a salesperson, probably because my title says Engineer.  I don't meet with a prospective account with the mindset that I'm supposed to sell something; I meet because I'm there to solve a problem and I'm interested in

Myths and Facts

Myth: Sexual Assault is caused by lust or uncontrollable sexual urges and the need for sexual gratification. Fact: Sexual Assault is an act of physical violence and domination that is not motivated by sexual gratification. Myth: Once a man gets sexually aroused, he can't just stop. Fact: Men do not physically need to have sex after becoming sexually excited. Moreover, they are still able to control themselves after becoming aroused. Myth: Women often lie about sexual assault or falsely accuse someone of sexual assault. Fact: Statistical studies indicate false reports make up two percent or less of the reported cases of sexual assault. This figure is approximately the same for other types of crimes. Only one out of 10 rapes are actually reported. Sexual Assault by someone the victim knows are the least likely to be reported. Myth: Women provoke sexual assault by their appearance. Sexual attractiveness is a primary reason why a perpetrator selects a victim. Fact: Perpetrators do not
Myth: Sexual Assault is caused by lust or uncontrollable sexual urges and the need for sexual gratification. Fact: Sexual Assault is an act of physical violence and domination that is not motivated by sexual gratification. Myth: Once a man gets sexually aroused, he can't just stop. Fact: Men do not physically need to have sex after becoming sexually excited. Moreover, they are still able to control themselves after becoming aroused. Myth: Women often lie about sexual assault or falsely accuse someone of sexual assault. Fact: Statistical studies indicate false reports make up two percent or less of the reported cases of sexual assault. This figure is approximately the same for other types of crimes. Only one out of 10 rapes are actually reported. Sexual Assault by someone the victim knows are the least likely to be reported. Myth: Women provoke sexual assault by their appearance. Sexual attractiveness is a primary reason why a perpetrator selects a victim. Fact: Perpetrators do not

Stop Smoking The no-butts MoneySaving guide

By Jenny     Now is the time to quit - not least because as well as being extremely damaging to your health, smoking is also extremely damaging to your wealth! You could easily save thousands, not just on the cost of cigarettes, but also on insurance products. There are heaps of tips in this guide to help you quit, plus we’ve even more help on the forum’s Stoptober 2015 page, including a Q&A with comedian and Stoptober ambassador Al Murray. In this guide...


Sex is an important element in marriage and until there is sexual intercourse between a husband and a wife, the marriage is not yet spiritually recognized. This shows how important sex is in marriage. When you look at how aggressive men are towards sex you may think that what a man needs from a woman is sex. Of course, if he has not married you yet or he does not really intend to marry you what he will need from you is nothing above your body. But if he really intends to marry you or if you guys are already married sex is never what he needs from you - maybe let me say it better; "WHAT A MAN NEEDS MOST FROM A WOMAN IS NOT SEX." Many young girls think because they are sexually active and experience they will easily be married and have their husbands loving them. And when a man approaches for marriage they think the greatest asset they have to show the man is sex. Others also think once they are giving out their bodies it means they are giving