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5 of the worst jobs in the world

Thought your job was horrible? Check out
these, and then get back to us!
So some days you think you’ve just got the
worst job in the world? The hours are too long,
the pay’s too little and basically you’d rather
be doing any other job right now than this
one, but if you think you’ve got it bad…
Staff Training has compiled a short (and for
your sake much revised) list of the worst jobs
in the world in the hopes that when the work
blues strike you’ll be able to reflect on all the
reasons your job DOESN’T suck quite as much
as you think it does.
We’ve left some of the more icky jobs (like
“halitosis and fart smeller”, and we’re
serious…) off the list because, well, euw (you
probably didn’t want to read about that
anyway, did you?), but we must warn you that
what’s left is by no means a pretty picture.
1. Mosquito Researcher
In Brazil the mosquitoes are a bit smarter than
in Africa, not falling for the usual traps set by
scientists. The only way to catch mosquitoes in
Brazil is for the researcher to offer himself as
bait, being bitten sometimes up to 3 000 times
in the process. Oh, did we mention that some
of these mosquitoes transmit malaria?
2. Cat Food Quality Controller
Cats care about what they eat as much as we
do. That’s why there are strict quality control
tests performed on it before it’s allowed to hit
the shelves. Jon Hanson from Britain describes
some of the tests: The first involved dunking
his head into a tub of cat food to detect (with
his nose) its freshness; the second involved
shoving his forearms into the cat food where
he would feel for any bony bits; and the third
involved actually prodding the food with his
fingers so he could test how gristly it was.
3. Sewer Cleaner
If you thought Cat Food Quality Controller was
bad you’ll love this one. Imagine being up to
your knees, everyday, in a river of human
excrement… We won’t go into too much detail
here, suffice it to say that you get more job
satisfaction on your worst day than these guys
ever do.
4. Highway Roadkill Remover
Dodging traffic may be bad enough, but doing
so with the intention of collecting the
carcasses of animals unlucky enough to have
been in the wrong place at the wrong time? No
5. Portable Toilet Cleaner
Let’s be honest, we only use these toilets
when there are absolutely NO other options
available. And even then we try to touch as
few surfaces as possible and get out as quickly
as a cat in a bath. Now spare a moment for
the poor souls who, armed with little more
than a plastic bag and a high-powered hose,
have to clean as many as 60 of these a day.
Turns out your job is actually pretty darn cool,
- Women24


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