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Two Men In Lagos Have BeenArrested With 50 Litres OfFresh Man Blood

Policemen attached to the
Imota Police Station
inIkorodu Local Government
Area of Lagos State,
were shocked to the bone
marrow when the
contents of two 25-litre jerry-
cans they found in
the possession of two men
they arrested, turned
out to behuman blood.
The arrested men identified as
Alfa Balogun
Tajudeen Ogunsanya, who
hails from Gberigbe
community in Ikorodu, and an
stranger who residents were
not able to identify,
were arrested in the early
hours of yesterday
trying to sneak away with the
containers which
police initially suspected to be
stolen petroleum
product since the area has an
high occurrence of
pipeline vandalization, but
they were
dumbfounded when they
turned out to be fresh
human blood.
One of the residents of
Gberigbe, who gave his
name as Amos Oludero,
narrated how the men
were arrested br /> We identified one of the
as a native of this
town but the other man is
strange to us. They
wanted to alight from a car
near the town hall
opposite Fezbam filling station,
each of them
with a 25-litre jerrycan. While
Ogusanya came
down first, the cover of the
jerrycan being
carried by the second man
opened and blood
spilled on the ground.
Oludero said this attracted the
attention of other
residents and passers-by who
came together and
discovered the kegs were full
of blood.
He added that they were
immediately arrested
and taken to Imota Police
Station by policemen.
However, another resident
said that it might be a
move by Ogunsanya to
incriminate another
family over a land dispute.
This was attempted in the past
in a case of land
dispute. The appeal court ruled
in favour of
Orelabi family on the disputed
mass of land in
Gberigbe. The Alfa arrested
yesterday is from
Ogunsanya family. He might be
going to keep the
cans in the compound of the
other family and
later call the police to arrest
members of that
Meanwhile, the police said the
men had been
transferred to the State
Criminal Investigation
Department, (SCID), Panti, for


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