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5 Important Health Tips Every Woman Should Know The health of both, men and women is vitally important. However, it appears that there is a bit more emphasis placed on women’s health. This is for various reasons like the structure of their reproductive system, fertility, hormonal and emotional factors, etc.

With the genetic, physiological, as well as the nutritional sciences expanding forward in their discoveries, we simply know today that women’s health includes some different precautions, needs and characteristics.
What we are told as women in the mainstream media however, is not always for the good of our health. All too often it serves more the well-being of the pharmaceutical companies and other corporations, who all too often prey on the fact that women do tend to be more proactive about their health, and thus willing to buy or use more products than men, while having less quality time for themselves.
Thus today, I share with you 5 important health tips every woman should know, when it comes to optimal health from the holistic and natural point of view.

1. Chemical Birth Control Should Never Be Your First Choice of Contraception or Hormonal Regulation

Whether it is the pill, the patch of the injection, all these forms of birth control are chemical in their nature. That is they use synthetic or artificial hormones that alter our natural, internal hormonal balance.
Whether they choose to ignore it or not, many women all too often know the unpleasant and often long lasting side-effects of these agents, however young women often do not.  As soon as a young woman/woman comes into the doctor’s office and mentions irregular cycles or needing contraception, the doctor’s first response in most cases is the pill, patch or needle.
These chemical agents however are playing with one of the most sensitive and highly regulated areas of women’s health and the results from using such products can be disastrous.  From infertility and cancers to heart problems and blood clots, the list goes on and on.
The safest, healthiest and most natural solutions for dependable contraception is the LadyComp or Pearly devices and for hormonal regulation, homeopathic remedies.

2. You Might Be Doing More Damage Than Good Taking Dairy or Calcium Supplements

As women, we are always told about theimportance of dairy and calcium in our diets to have strong bones, and avoid bone loss and osteoporosis. What we are not told, is the underlying mechanisms that govern the balance of both of these substances in our bodies.
Dairy is actually acidic and does not add to the healthy alkaline state of our bodies. Not only that, but processed, pasteurized dairy is loaded with its own problems like hormones, pesticides, sugars (both natural and artificial), colors, preservatives, etc. Let us also add to this that in long term and large scale studies, there is no proof that populations ingesting dairy actually have better bones. A country like the US, where dairy consumption is high, actually has some of the worst osteoporosis rates.
Calcium supplements, especially in high doses, first and foremost mess with the calcium balance in our bodies. When a body becomes dependent on large, external source of the mineral, instead of balancing its own supply from natural food and the body, it can lead to all sorts of problems. Strain on the kidneys, kidney stones and inefficient calcium absorption from natural food, as well as leaching of calcium from bones are just some of the bigger problems.
For healthiest bones, women should avoid all soda. Alcohol and coffee should be kept to an absolute minimum, if you cannot avoid it altogether. Emphasis should be placed on eating whole, natural, nutrient-dense, not processed foods and exercise should be made a daily part of life, even if it be a simple 30 minute walk.

3. Keep Your Personal Products To A Minimum and Be As Natural As Possible

If we take the average woman out there, chances are she has drawers loaded with make-up, lotions, powders, creams, perfumes and other similar products. What is the problem with this? The problem is that these products are one of the greatest ways that we allow harmful chemicals to enter our bodies. Chemicals that are cancer-causing, hormone-altering, neurotoxic, allergy-causing, fertility-disrupting and the list goes on and on.
We trust companies, governments and health institutions to allow for the sale of safe products. But one simple look into this industry shows us that regulation is not just way too relaxed, but it is simply impossible to test the amounts of chemicals that humans are presented with today and in the combinations that they use them. Thus we hear about so many chemicals being GRAS – generally recognized as safe. Well, GRAS is not enough when it comes to increasing our chances of having cancers and decreasing our chances of getting pregnant. As long as money and the health of the economy talks first, the health of the citizens sits on a back burner.
The average personal care product for example has ingredient lists that are next to impossible to pronounce or so long that we get bored reading them. Chemical ingredients like “parabens” are found in almost every commercial personal product out there as a preservative, and interestingly enough they are also found in samples of breast cancer tissue.
For healthiest results, the first and foremost step is to minimize the chemicals we use. Secondly, is to switch any products we feel we must use, to natural options. The worst culprits being deodorants, lipsticks, lotions, shampoos and perfume.

4. Vitamin D is Your Best Friend, Blocking It With Sunscreen Can Do More Harm Than Good

Over the past few decades sunblocks and sunscreens have been heavily pushed on everyone, women included. We were conditioned with fear of wrinkles and skin damage. And while the sun can damage our skin, the marketing campaigns had a lot to do with vanity, profits and fear mongering. There is a big grey area in between benefitting from the sun and getting harmed from the sun. We were pushed to one extreme.
Thus chemical sunblock ingredients were not only placed into the typical sunblock lotions, but into everyday moisturizing lotions, face creams, chap sticks, lip balms, lipsticks, etc. At no point did the greater powers that govern all this step back and say, wait a minute, we are blocking the synthesis in the bodies of all these people of one of the most critical vitamins/hormones.
The results today speak for themselves – experts estimate anywhere from 75 – 90% of the population is vitamin D deficient. And what is the problem with this?
Today we know that vitamin D is responsible for almost all parts of optimal health. From preventing cancers, multiple sclerosis, osteoporosis and infections to healing these, and building healthy cells internally and externally – the benefits are many and we keep learning about more regularly.
For healthiest results, know when topractice safe sun exposure and when to cover up – and cover up with clothes first and foremost, and sunblocks second. Check out the list of the safest sunscreens also.

5. Processed Foods Influence Your Happiness, Mood and Mental Imbalances

As women, we all too often have too much on our plates. Most women are the primary caregivers for not only their children (no matter how old), but also for their spouses and even possibly elderly parents. Today’s woman is also pushed into the work force on top of all of this to make ends meet and have the status and worth that she desires.
All this adds up to a lot of stress, and stress can make us act out in all sorts of “funny” ways. If that wasn’t so bad, our health is greatly compromised.
This is why, one of the most important things that every woman should know is to treat her body most importantly not with sugar or chemical treats, or spas, but with good, wholesome, natural food. This may not be the most popular approach, compared to getting iced cappuccinos or your nails done with your girlfriends, but it is the smartest and healthiest long term approach.
Regular coffee for example throws off our energy levels, sleep patterns and depletes our adrenals, leading many women to suffer adrenal fatigue. Regular sugar consumptionfrom things like cakes, cookies, soda or ice-cream throws off our serotonin balance, meaning we feel worse unless we have some “sweet treat”. This can lead to depression, anger, major mood fluctuations and evenmental imbalances. And we all know what fatty foods lead too, as well as the above mentioned sugary snacks.
For healthiest results, as you take care of others, don’t forget to take care of yourself. Eating natural, wholesome, unprocessed food will not only make you healthier physically, mentally and emotionally, but it will also make you that much better of a mother, spouse or friend. From being a great role model for your kids, to enjoying great health and a long life with those you love, or simply being happier and healthier, it is worth whatever you think the effort to do so is.


One of the hardest things for most women, is to properly take care of themselves. That means also to love and respect themselves enough to only put the best, natural foodinto their body and the least amount of chemical substances on their body.
There is so much thrown at women each day, from commercials telling us we need a different hair color, new anti-wrinkle cream, or cleaning product to more responsibilities, tasks and expectations.
In the end, we must not lose ourselves in this soup of overwhelming choices and expectations. At the end of the day, we matter for the being that we are and so does our health.
Take a moment for yourself and assess what really is most important to you – and just remember without your health, it is hard to care for, be, enjoy or do much of anything else that this beautiful life presents us with.


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