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What are Soul-ties?

The word Soul-ties means what it says, Soul-ties.  It's when two souls are joined together or knitted together to become one. 
In order to
understand the subject of Soul-ties,  you must firstly understand the nature of man. Who's or what's man?"Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being."To cut the long story short, when God made man, He made him to be; spirit,  to have a soul and live in the body. Remember that. There are different ways in which Soul-ties are formed. However I won't address them all of them here. There are good Soul-ties and there are bad Soul-ties. In this article I would like to address the most common and negative one and which the enemy seems to be using very effectively to destroy many lives. Soul-ties formed through sexual relations.
Soul-ties formed through sexual relations.Sex is not only physical,  sex is also emotional and spiritual. Which means that every part of you is involved when you having an intercourse with someone. Remember what I said, man is spirit,  has a soul and lives in the body.  Therefore your spirt, soul (mind, emotions and will) and body are all involved when you are having sex.That's where the knitting of souls take place, as your body is connected to the person you are having sex with, so are your souls and spirits. 
There's a good example from the old testament:"And when Shechem the son of Hamor the Hivite, prince of the country, saw her, hetook her, and lay with her, and defiled her. And HIS SOUL CLEAVED unto Dinah the daughter of Jacob, and he loved the damsel, and spoke kindly unto the damsel." Genesis 34:2-3,
Did you see that?  Shechem's soul cleaved unto Dinah after he slept with her, raped her rather.Same applies when you have sex with someone,  your soul cleaves on that person. 
The Apostle Paul puts this way:"Or do you not know and realize that when a man joins himself to a prostitute, he becomes one body with her? The two, it is written, shall become one flesh." 1 CORINTHIANS 6:16Do you see that? You become one with the person you sleep with. 
Had you ever met someone who's in an abusive relationship, lets say maybe their partner beats them everyday or perhaps had even tried to kill them a couple of times,  but instead of leaving that person, it seems like they can't, its like there's an invisible magnet of some kind that keeps on drawing that person back to their abusive partners, or even if they finally leave them, they cant seem to stay away for very long, it makes no sense but it seems like they keep on going back for more, even if it means they kill them. Why is that, if you think? Answer: Soul-ties. 
Let me give you a second example.  Had you ever been in a relationship with someone, maybe you were having sex together while you were together but due to certain reasons, maybe  one of you or both of you decide to end the relationship. Maybe you even decide to move on, but no matter how happy you are in this new relationship, it seem like you can't get over your ex, you still find yourself thinking or even crying about them, even if it is 10 years or more later? Why? Soul-ties. 
Dangers of Soul-ties. The dangers of Soul-ties is not only that it's hard to get out of an abusive relationship or you can't forget your ex-lover. But it's because they can cause lot of problems, not only in your marriage,  if you are married or in your relationship if you are in a relationship and you planning to get married. Soul-ties formed through sexual relations can also bring curses and problems that can affect your personal success. 
When you sleep with someone,  you don't only share your bodies as I said, but you also share whatever is in that person's life, curses or blessings, it depends on the nature of the Soul-ties. (Good or bad)
If you sleep with someone who is followed by bad-lucks or who's from a family full with generational curses, you also partake in that " The two, it is written, shall become one flesh." Unless you break it, I will share with you in the end how to do that.
Secondly if you sleep with someone who had slept with more than one partner, the danger in that is you also sleeping with all of these people she or he had slept with. Not only that but you also take whatever is in those people's lives. This means if you a virgin and you a girl and you sleep with a guy who had slept with ten girls, although it's your first time having sex in the physical but in the spiritual realm you have slept with all these other ten people, plus with the people they had slept with. So if each of the ten people,  had slept with other ten people, that means you have slept with 100 people or more, it depends on how many people the ten people they slept with had sleep with - its an unending chain. But don't despair tonight, you can end it.
Conclusion. Fornication and adultery are not only sexual sins but they also bring lot of things and complications we don't need in our lives. Sex is not evil, but it is evil if we engage in it outside of God's plan, marriage. 
"That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh." Genesis 2:24
How to break Soul-ties. There's nothing above the name of Jesus. Do you believe that? If you do, every kind of Soul-tie will be broken in the name of Jesus, by doing the following prayer.
Do this verbally using your authority in Jesus."I now break and sever any ungodly soul ties formed between myself and_(name of the person)________ as a result of ______________ (fornication, etc.) in Jesus' name." 



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